Photovoltaic module occupies highest cost sharing in the
overall cost of the project. Return on investment for investors are largely
depends on performance of solar module after certain years. It is the only
asset that generates real money for the investor. Obviously it has been getting
highest attention on procurement of PV panels.
Since solar market
is still emerging worldwide, ideas about its development are untested; every
year comes with new issues it may be regarding to overcapacity or the
securitization of domestic market. Especially in India it is immature in
nature. Many developers are never exposed to such situations, they are lagging
in planning and commissioning of the project, procuring and testing of the
equipment. In that background selection of PV panels becomes hard task.
developers’ buys solar panel based on warranty, Insurance and company’s balance
sheet or past records. But recently those criteria seem to be falling down as
many plants are raising issues with their PV panels. A warranty associated with
PV panels does not cover most of the field failures, insurance can backup
warranties but suitable insurance are highly expensive for the projects.
Another important concern is that to claim for warranty after 10-15 years, manufacturing
company should be exist on land to provide you money as day by day
manufacturing unites are shutting down.
buyers start their quality assessment when the modules arrive on plant which
arises few problems, primarily Due to that when result revels any default in
the modules at that time most of the panels were installed already.
Increasing demand and failing manufacturing
companies are triggering this concern about the selection criteria of PV module
at the time of procuring. We are expecting more caution in this area in near